Hello and welcome to Qazzaz Coffee. We appreciate your visit.

Our company is based on the belief that our customers' needs are of the utmost importance. Our entire team is committed to meeting those needs. As a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals. This company was setup on Experience and Quality, our founding father always said "We will not bring in cheap stuff, even if the prices are going up, we will continue to give our customers the best quality there is at a cheaper price". This is what this company is built on. We will always have the best quality in coffee for our customers. We bring in the best quality with having the best kind of coffee from around the world. We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry.

Our contact information

By email:

By standard mail:
Qazzaz Coffee
475 Schaefer Hwy
Detroit, MI, 48217

By phone:
313-585-1739 AND 313-485-6335

Mon - Thus: 9AM - 5PM / Phone Orders Until 10:30 PM
Sat: 10AM - 5PM / Phone Orders Until 10:30 PM
Sun: Phone Orders Only From 10AM-10:30 PM

All hours are on Eastern Standard Time


Shipping Information:

We use FedEx for shipping. The cost will depend on the amount that you order.

Refund, Returns and Cancellation Policies:

Enter details of your refund, return, or cancellation policies (if any). Provide instructions for when and how buyers can get a refund, return merchandise, or cancel an order. Review the refund policy of other stores to get an idea of the different approaches and then create the policy that works best for your store.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Answer any questions that buyers are likely to have such as how they can check an order’s status, how can they contact you if they have immediate questions, or what shipping options your store offers.